Thursday, August 27, 2009

History of smoking

History of smoking goes back to ancient times. The history begins with the inhalation of smoke into the lungs to smoke from smoldering dry plants.
In Indian temples depicts the history of smoking. On the walls depict people who breathe the smoke of aromatic incense, using special pipes. Similar pipes were found during excavations in Egypt. This indicated that the history of smoking has a few centuries before our era. That is, we can assume that the history of smoking is almost on a par with the history of mankind. History of smoking, also said that in ancient times for smoking materials were not only the tobacco leaves, but also various herbs. The researchers suggest that smoking in the form of inhalation of combustion products of certain plants, such as cannabis, emerged among the peoples of Eurasia as a ritual that helps cleansing the mind from evil spirits.
However, history of smoking did not remember that the inhalation of combustion products, grass was so much common among the general population, it is now. Such a history of smoking was until 1493. Thereafter, the history of smoking has changed dramatically. Columbus found the Indians, that they smoke and smoking techniques. History of smoking mentions it as a kind of advertising of tobacco to the European people.
In the middle of the XVI century history of smoking and tobacco continues to spread to Western Europe and Turkey. There he was starting to land and get a good harvest. Since then, the history of smoking rapidly gaining momentum. Tobacco smoking is becoming fashionable. Tobacco smoking does not even need special advertising. And without that tobacco is spreading very quickly across all countries, and history of smoking has continued to accumulate all the new facts of the conquest of people with tobacco. History of smoking contains another interesting fact.
By the end of XVIII century the world has not been a single country whose people have not tried to smoke tobacco. Of course, smoking history remembers, and attempts by the government of various countries to combat smoking. They believed smoking sorcerers or shamans, and executed them.
Everywhere in different ways. Somewhere just beheaded. But where and burned alive as witches. But the history of smoking did not remember that it is in any way influenced the further mass distribution of tobacco. And when the Second World War, transporting cigarettes at the front with the food. That is, cigarettes have become commodities. And after the war, the tobacco companies without any advertising received hundreds of thousands of guaranteed consumers of their products. History of smoking did not remember that during the war was waged to combat smoking. It was not before. And, finally, in our time history of smoking is almost indistinguishable from those times. Smokers are more and more, still advocates a healthy lifestyle are trying to fight them. Such is the history of smoking from the beginning to the present day.

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